Thursday, April 7, 2011

My drawing

Today's not a real post but I just impressed myself with this picture of my drawing!
Anyway I would like to thank Piper for her instructions! They worked!!!! Now Everyone can see my drawing!!!


  1. I don't know how to show the picture O_o!

  2. The way you post a picture is you click on that little icon thingy at the top of the window where you write the blog. It's the icon that is square, kind of like a picture, right next to the one that says "link." Then after you click it, you will get a window that lets you select the picture you want to post from wherever it is on your computer. After you get the picture uploaded to your blog, you can click on it and you get a little window that lets you pick what size you want and whether you want it left, right, or center. Also you can choose to add a caption.

    I hope you can figure out how to do this because I want to see your drawing! If I didn't make my directions clear enough, you can click on "help" and maybe that will explain it better.


  3. Dear Piper,
    Thank you so much for your advice! Also I am sorry for not commenting on your posts for a while! It is because I am so busy with other things! Mostly because I am not an adult yet so I guess it'll be a LONG time before I do. Honestly, being young is the best thing that can happen to you even if you are bossed around sometimes! Anyway I have to catch up on A LOT of AWESOME BLOGS!!!
    Your #1 fan, Tas

  4. Dear Tas,
    I REALLY LIKE your drawing! You are a good artist, and I know that because the eye you drew looks just like a real eye! Are you taking any art classes in school?

    Also I can understand how you feel when you can't do all the stuff you want to do. Dogs feel that way, too, sometimes because of always having to wear a leash or stay in a fenced yard. I guess it's better than getting hit by a car, though!

    Love, Piper

  5. Dear Piper,
    Thank you for your compliment because now I am blushing especially since it's coming from you!
    I am also happy to know that I have a really understanding friend. Also about the leashes and fences... I think it's your mom's way of showing you of how much she loves you because she doen't want you to get hit by a car either. I know you are smart enough to figure that out, I think it would upset your mom if you left her! So I guess a fence and leash is a good thing if you look at it this way!
    Your #1 fan, Tas
    P.S. I take art classes but they just teach us how to make crafts like making tote bags from magazines. I didn't learn by myself though. My cousin is a good artist and she inspired me. So when ever she draws something, I look at it for a while and then try to draw it my self. I usually draw because it is good for the mind and keeps my hand busy. Anyway thank you again for the compliment!!!
