Tuesday, April 26, 2011


France sounds Elegant- It kind of is! But if you experienced what I did, you would do Almost anything to get back home! You see, I didn't like a lot of the food so for a few days I fed on Croissants! Then I guess my aunt felt really bad for me so she made Delicious lobster so I guess France isn't that bad if you were me back then! Besides that I went to alot of different places in France! It was a very pretty in Paris , I had to go a few miles to get there because I was in some other place which is called Bagnolet. I went to the Eiffel Tower!
I don't exactly have an authentic picture of it because my camera didn't have a memory card!

It looked kind of like this if you were looking up! Believe me you would get real dizzy!

I was really scared of the view at one glance! Then I didn't look down - my heart was beating faster than it did when I rode Kingda Ka (The highest roller coaster in the world) Trust me it is WAY scarier than it looks in the picture!
Anyway this trip was very exciting and it's something I will never forget, when I go there next time I will be sure to bring in some REAL PICTURES! I will tell you about my plane ride tommorow or maybe I am going to post it today...


  1. Oooh! This is a scary view. I think it would make me dizzy. Do they allow dogs on the Eiffel Tower? The French like to take their dogs everywhere, so maybe they do. I don't think I'd want to go up that high, though. I wish you had a memory card in your camera so you could have taken some photos of your very own. Oh, and French food is supposed to be very good. I can't believe you didn't like it. You should have brought it home and sent it to me. I will eat almost anything, even snails! LOL

  2. I would've kept some food but the problem is that I can't send anything without an address of your house! Anyway I heard that oil is bad for dogs to eat because it is bad for their tummy and escorgot has a lot of oil in it to get rid of some slime! I think it's true but even though I didn't like snail, I am not supposed to eat it anyway so I am safe from eating one because I have an excuse!


  3. My mom has eaten escargot, but only once, when she was much younger, which was a long time ago! They are usually cooked in a lot of butter and garlic, and probably oil, too. Mom thought they were "okay," but very strange and rubbery to eat. I think I would like the butter better than the actual snails, but we have butter here at our house, so maybe I can talk Mom into just giving me some of that!
    Love, Piper
