Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Interview with the Dogs

I have always wondered what animals thought- specifically dogs. So here are a few questions for them, hopefully they will be answered in comments and I will post them. Any dog is welcome!
1) Is it true that most dogs hate baths?
2) What does the expression "It's a dog eat dog world" mean to you dogs?
3) Are you capable of eating your own kind reffering to this expression?
4) What do you think of your humans?
5) What do you think of other dogs?
6) Have you ever experienced eating something you shouldn't?
7) Corresponding to the last question, have you ever eaten anything poisonous only to dogs and survived without any medical treatment?
Anyway, those are all the questions I have today!
Hope the dogs answer these questions (including Piper and her brothers if they wish!)
Personally, I think getting to know the animal's side of the story is a better way to understand them! Since animals can't really communicate in anyway, humans have to translate for them, they have to know what their pet is likely to say and think... Hopefully, if I know more about different animals, I might have deeper understandings about why they do certain things.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Tas,
    As usual, my mom has been busy, so she forgot to let me look at your blog, and I got behind on reading it. So now I will try to answer these interesting questions that you asked.
    1. Well, if dogs don't hate baths, I think they should! I guess there are some dogs that get used to baths, like for instance show dogs that have to get lots of baths. Also dogs that like the water anyway, such as labs. Maybe they like baths. But personally, I HATE them!
    2. Check out my blog entry for November 23, 2009.
    3. Maybe. If I were really, really hungry. I think I'd rather eat a squirrel or bunny, though.
    4. My mom is the best ever! At least most of the time. The thing I love most about her is that she feeds us two times, every single day!
    5. I like nice dogs, but I don't like mean dogs.
    6. I ate a big chunk of a blanket, but you probably already know that if you've been reading my blog lately!
    7. Nope.
