Sunday, April 3, 2011

My cat, Cannon

When I was three and a half (old enough to remember things) , I used to have a cat named Cannon. How she got her name is pretty weird but it suited her fine. At first my family thought Cannon was a boy so that is actually one of the reasons how she got her name. The true reason was because whenever Cannon used the litter box, she made this funny shooting noise. We kept on thinking the building was going to fall over because we couldn't get used to the fact that it was Cannon! A few weeks after we got Cannon, we didn't have a vet so we weren't sure why she was acting so funny (remember at that time we thought Cannon was a boy) so we decided to go to our neighbor that gave "him" to us. Our neighbor wasn't sure what happened either! So we just waited a few more days... and guess what? She had kittens! My mom and dad wouldn't let me keep any of the kittens (which was fine with me) because then I would get distracted from doing other things. But luckily, the kittens were allowed to stay until they matured enough to leave their mother. Cannon stopped making her noises and we finally got a vet for her. The vet said it was some miracal that Cannon survived without medication! After that it was a decent life for her and my family and all the kittens were adopted!
Cannon's Kittens looked really cute and they
were VERY VERY lazy!

I don't have pics of Cannon but she shall always remain in my memories. (Ha ha!)

Cannon kind of looked like this
(She was an Abyssinian)
but my Cannon was much prettier!

Ha ha! Cats are so weird!!! LOL! 


  1. I am going to post more blogs! Just wait...

  2. Dear Tas,
    I missed this blog entry because I was sick on Sunday, but now I have read it. I liked your story about Cannon and especially about how she got her name! And also how you found out she was a girl!
    Love, Piper
