Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bugs in my ear!

This content is not suitable for people who over react way too much:
I don't remember when exactly this happened but I know this happened when I was six years old and in a summer night. I was sleeoing on the floor because it was cooler down there and bed sheets were down there too. Anyway, I woke up because I had a weird feeling in my ear. I started screaming and I told my mom to take me to the hospital because there was something wrong with me. My mom told me to relax and I told her about my problem and she took me to the bathroom and used a cotton swab to take out TWO bugs out! That was gross!
So the moral of this story is...
DO NOT sleep on the floor if you have openings on your face or some crazy bug is gonna go in your ear and you're going to scream and have to take the bug(s) outa your ear with a cotton swab.
This story is 100% TRUE
You don't need to believe me, I am just trying to make this experience very unlikely... I hope you do not sleep on the floor if you have any bugs at home. (Don't worry I moved to a house so we don't even have any mice let alone BUGS)


  1. I sleep on the floor all the time, but then I am a dog! LOL If I get a bug in my ear, I just scratch my ear with my hind foot and make the bug come out.


  2. I wish that worked the same way with humans but those blood sucking bugs don't get off! It would be weird if humans had hind legs

