Wednesday, April 6, 2011


It is said that planet Gliese is the “Secondary Earth.” Gliese has water so scientists are positive that life on Gliese is possible. Nobody has actually tested the theory yet because Gliese is so far. Gliese is also much closer to the sun than Earth! Because of this, if you happened to be on Gliese’s surface, the sun would appear to be red. Except Gliese doesn’t orbit the sun- it orbits a nearby red dwarf star. There is one problem about Gliese though, there’s a 0.01% chance that it doesn’t exist! It is odd that people state this, if this remarkable planet doesn’t exist, how are there pictures and evidence? Aside from that, there are weird rumors about Gliese that are probably true. Scientists say that if there actually are living things on this planet, the plants would have to be black because there isn't enough heat for photosynthesis to occur. Also if there are aliens referred to Glieseians, they must have lots and lots of muscles because Gliese's force is so much stronger than Earth. If any thing that can move were to go to Gliese, they would not be able to lift any part of their body. If I was on Gliese, I would be struggling to lift my foot. I think it is impossible for anyone to live on Gliese because my theory is that because the force is so strong it would be nearly impossible to breathe. We would have to have stonger lung muscles to breathe. Scientist said that in order for humans to live on this planet, we would need a heavier body. The scientists are correct about this fact but you need stronger lungs, too. I don't think that the scientists thought about that! I hope that a scientist comments on this blog because even so, I have my own theory, I could be wrong. I bet scientists proably have an answer more reasonable, but there is one catch- humans don't know EVERYTHING. We have different oppinions about how things came to be but NO ONE knows the real answer.

Anyway, aside from all that theory, I have a picture of a DANGEROUS sunrise! That actually proves why people can't last  long on Gliese! Anyway, you might be curious about this sunrise, so I will tell you about it!
First of all, this picture is actually an illustration, but it might happen. Like I said earlier, Gliese is closer to the sun. Earth is 93 million miles away from the sun while Gliese is 6 million miles away! That is really dangerous!!! So a sunrise like this would be 99.99%  possible! Luckily for people that have a little too much hope for Gliese, there's still a 0.01% chance that any of this will EVER happen!

Back to Gliese not existing... I don't think this statement makes sense because look! It's right up there↑
Or maybe the person actually meant to say that life doesn't exist on Gliese! I guess some people should really change their wording but in the way I understood it just now is what I agree with even if there is an EXTREMELY  very small chance that there is no life on Gliese... But like I said, No one knows for sure...

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