Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Too many posts!

Today I posted a lot and that's because I have a lot of random thoughts going on in my head and I am done with other stuff so I may as well just keep on typing until my free time is over which I hope never ever ends. So I might as well just say as many random topics that come to my head:
1) French fries
Did you know french fries from McDonalds barely decompose? They stay the same over two years and they still look fresh! I don't like eating at McDonalds anymore after I found out anout this. I eat at Wendy's- those new sea salt ones!

2) Dogs
They look cute but too much work taking care of one. In my country, people have AWESOME guard dogs becauce a lot of robbers like to sneak into houses. The dogs either bark or do the crime stopping silently by biting on the bottom until it bleeds. Did you know that the guard dogs we have don't bite their owners no matter what? Did you know they have rabies? Hard to believe huh? Did you know that nobody takes care of the dogs? They sometimes might give food but the dog just does things naturally and doesn't beg! They do there buisness very far away from people and eat whatever they find. They know the right thing to eat and what's wrong. They are SUPER smart!

This dog is part of the Bangladesh Elite force so he/she has more respect other BD dogs are much bigger and broader naturally
 3) Cats
In my country, they are TROUBLE!!! They rip open bags of food like rice mostly! They should be trained as kittens. Sadly, They are more respected than dogs which I think is totally wrong because those guard dogs are EXTREMELY loyal to the humans!
Evil Angels! Don't they look adorable? Except they are half evil inside! LOL

Well that is all I have for today I think I am FINALLY done typing- maybe...

This blog

This blog is really popular- more than my other two... Can anyone tell me why?
Now I want to have fun guessing.... This blog was made first? Umm.... The other ones don't have enough entries? Nobody cares about the other ones? Oh well, the answer is a mystery! That's all I wanted to say!

Poetry contest

Attention all readers, I will have another contest which wil end in May 30th. Enter a poem as a comment and I will choose a winner. The winner's poem will be displayed on my blog and if you include an address you will be mailed a prize...(Bones, a shirt, a trophy, a ribbon) In addition to that, if the poem is good enough, it will be sent to publishers and it might be published through out the nation! You might even get Cash prize from the editors just give me your address and you will be able to recieve it...
Bet that put you a mood to enter! Trust me this is REAL! (My uncle is a publisher so you are likely to atleast get it published and if it does I will send you the book it was published in)

Bugs in my ear!

This content is not suitable for people who over react way too much:
I don't remember when exactly this happened but I know this happened when I was six years old and in a summer night. I was sleeoing on the floor because it was cooler down there and bed sheets were down there too. Anyway, I woke up because I had a weird feeling in my ear. I started screaming and I told my mom to take me to the hospital because there was something wrong with me. My mom told me to relax and I told her about my problem and she took me to the bathroom and used a cotton swab to take out TWO bugs out! That was gross!
So the moral of this story is...
DO NOT sleep on the floor if you have openings on your face or some crazy bug is gonna go in your ear and you're going to scream and have to take the bug(s) outa your ear with a cotton swab.
This story is 100% TRUE
You don't need to believe me, I am just trying to make this experience very unlikely... I hope you do not sleep on the floor if you have any bugs at home. (Don't worry I moved to a house so we don't even have any mice let alone BUGS)

Good thing I didn't Eat the chicken!

During the summer my family went to the restaurant to buy a "To go" Chicken. We took it home and my mom was forcing me to eat the chicken- I said, "No, I'll pass- anyway I don't want to be fat" So she said to just watch and miss out a "good" chicken. My mom, dad, and brother finished the chicken, they loved it! I knew there would be bad luck in that chicken, my sixth sense just told me. It was this REAL deep feeling which I couldn't understand... The next day, guess what happened? Guess! Okay stop guessing I'll tell you- Everyone started feeling VERY nauseous and I told them that is why I didn't eat the chicken (it was kind of a lie but it was the kind that you don't need to cover) I told them I knew there was a fishy feeling to  that chicken and they should have listened! I was hoping that "lie" would make my sixth sense do more work on finding  poisoned food when my parents asked me- but no one needs that kind of a job! So that is my story, don't eat a poisoned chicken and ask a specially trained animal to check it out- you sue the restaurant and everyone lives happily ever after. The End.

My plane ride

You might laugh at this post because it is kind of funny. You see, I went to most of the places by plane so each time I did I thought I was going to die or something and it was horrible experience on the plane because the food was terrible to look at! Good thing I brought my own food.... It isn't fair that the upper class got Gourment food and the rest of us were starving for REAL food. When I become an architect and I become pro, I will make the flight attendant and the cook give everyone good food, that's why we PAY. Anyway about my experience- as we got higher and higher the more I wanted to scream except I didn't because then the people will stare and me like "What is your problem?" And I brought lots of gum which I hate because I don't like gum- anyway, I had to chew alot because all that air goes in your ear and it hurts in a funny way! And then finally some fight attendant gave everyone ear plugs when the flight was half over! That was really sad! The lady probably forgot all about them when she had some her self :(
I finally got off the plane hoping my day would never end because I had to use a plane to go back!
When the plane goes higher you don't feel very good especially when you are afraid of heights!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


France sounds Elegant- It kind of is! But if you experienced what I did, you would do Almost anything to get back home! You see, I didn't like a lot of the food so for a few days I fed on Croissants! Then I guess my aunt felt really bad for me so she made Delicious lobster so I guess France isn't that bad if you were me back then! Besides that I went to alot of different places in France! It was a very pretty in Paris , I had to go a few miles to get there because I was in some other place which is called Bagnolet. I went to the Eiffel Tower!
I don't exactly have an authentic picture of it because my camera didn't have a memory card!

It looked kind of like this if you were looking up! Believe me you would get real dizzy!

I was really scared of the view at one glance! Then I didn't look down - my heart was beating faster than it did when I rode Kingda Ka (The highest roller coaster in the world) Trust me it is WAY scarier than it looks in the picture!
Anyway this trip was very exciting and it's something I will never forget, when I go there next time I will be sure to bring in some REAL PICTURES! I will tell you about my plane ride tommorow or maybe I am going to post it today...


You might be wondering why I started blogging- it's fun that's all. I think my title suits my blog fine because I have fun writing and it is the audience's job to be entertained- atleast if they like it. It isn't just writing, it can be anything using your imagination especially if you're really in to it. You can be creative, a blog isn't just a bunch of words, it's a work of art and you'd realize it more than ever if you do it yourself. You get to create- and do you know what the best part is? Knowing that you've probably made atleast one person smile in the world. So hopefully you would get inspired and make a blog of your own if you don't have one!

Monday, April 25, 2011

I'm Back!

First of all, you might be wondering where I might be back from, it's obvious that I am back from vacation but from where? That explanation is a long story. Not the kind of story that your grandfather might tell you- or the one your father would tell you. No, this one is true, it may not be those kinds where it has adventure not the kinds that go like "And there I was face to face with the great beast- I was not scared for I scared that lion right out of the jungle without lifting a finger" Nope it's nothing like that but it sounds cool. I have been to Connecticut for one day, North Carolina for two days, Pennysylvania for two days and one night (1 and a 1/2 day) then Canada for three days and France for the rest. I had lots of different food and most of it was delicious the rest I didn't dare to touch like that thing made of snails which is called escargot (YUCK!) I have a lot to tell especially because I have been gone so long but I am real busy because SOMEONE didn't do their Homework (Not me, my brother)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A contest!!!!

Today I have a little contest which is only available for a month. It is a poem/art/jokes/riddle contest!
For art, you have to post it on a website and give the address to me but the writing- you can post it as a comment or anywhere else. The contest will end on May 3rd, 2011.
I wish good luck to the contestants!
Many will enter but one will win!

Going Blog Frenzy!

I know I have this other blog that I don't actually post anything at all- that's because that blog is for me to have fun and be random when I have time... I guess this blog will do for now and I guess I won't post anything else in my "Just Random" blog until summer! In the mean time, I would like to tell you about a little project I am going to work on. Yes, it's a blog- But it is different- I have to  be a imaginary buisness person and pretend to do what they might do. So I decided to be a food critic or maybe a taste tester. I have to focus mainly on how the food tastes! I am happy about this little project because my variety of food choices will expand! Anyway I am going to post my "reviews" on a new blog! I know that I can handle this because this is a project after all! I can't wait to start!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Interview with the Dogs

I have always wondered what animals thought- specifically dogs. So here are a few questions for them, hopefully they will be answered in comments and I will post them. Any dog is welcome!
1) Is it true that most dogs hate baths?
2) What does the expression "It's a dog eat dog world" mean to you dogs?
3) Are you capable of eating your own kind reffering to this expression?
4) What do you think of your humans?
5) What do you think of other dogs?
6) Have you ever experienced eating something you shouldn't?
7) Corresponding to the last question, have you ever eaten anything poisonous only to dogs and survived without any medical treatment?
Anyway, those are all the questions I have today!
Hope the dogs answer these questions (including Piper and her brothers if they wish!)
Personally, I think getting to know the animal's side of the story is a better way to understand them! Since animals can't really communicate in anyway, humans have to translate for them, they have to know what their pet is likely to say and think... Hopefully, if I know more about different animals, I might have deeper understandings about why they do certain things.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My drawing

Today's not a real post but I just impressed myself with this picture of my drawing!
Anyway I would like to thank Piper for her instructions! They worked!!!! Now Everyone can see my drawing!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


It is said that planet Gliese is the “Secondary Earth.” Gliese has water so scientists are positive that life on Gliese is possible. Nobody has actually tested the theory yet because Gliese is so far. Gliese is also much closer to the sun than Earth! Because of this, if you happened to be on Gliese’s surface, the sun would appear to be red. Except Gliese doesn’t orbit the sun- it orbits a nearby red dwarf star. There is one problem about Gliese though, there’s a 0.01% chance that it doesn’t exist! It is odd that people state this, if this remarkable planet doesn’t exist, how are there pictures and evidence? Aside from that, there are weird rumors about Gliese that are probably true. Scientists say that if there actually are living things on this planet, the plants would have to be black because there isn't enough heat for photosynthesis to occur. Also if there are aliens referred to Glieseians, they must have lots and lots of muscles because Gliese's force is so much stronger than Earth. If any thing that can move were to go to Gliese, they would not be able to lift any part of their body. If I was on Gliese, I would be struggling to lift my foot. I think it is impossible for anyone to live on Gliese because my theory is that because the force is so strong it would be nearly impossible to breathe. We would have to have stonger lung muscles to breathe. Scientist said that in order for humans to live on this planet, we would need a heavier body. The scientists are correct about this fact but you need stronger lungs, too. I don't think that the scientists thought about that! I hope that a scientist comments on this blog because even so, I have my own theory, I could be wrong. I bet scientists proably have an answer more reasonable, but there is one catch- humans don't know EVERYTHING. We have different oppinions about how things came to be but NO ONE knows the real answer.

Anyway, aside from all that theory, I have a picture of a DANGEROUS sunrise! That actually proves why people can't last  long on Gliese! Anyway, you might be curious about this sunrise, so I will tell you about it!
First of all, this picture is actually an illustration, but it might happen. Like I said earlier, Gliese is closer to the sun. Earth is 93 million miles away from the sun while Gliese is 6 million miles away! That is really dangerous!!! So a sunrise like this would be 99.99%  possible! Luckily for people that have a little too much hope for Gliese, there's still a 0.01% chance that any of this will EVER happen!

Back to Gliese not existing... I don't think this statement makes sense because look! It's right up there↑
Or maybe the person actually meant to say that life doesn't exist on Gliese! I guess some people should really change their wording but in the way I understood it just now is what I agree with even if there is an EXTREMELY  very small chance that there is no life on Gliese... But like I said, No one knows for sure...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Stats

I have a lot of people reading my blog so far and I think that's a good thing. I also learned people from other countries like India, Indonesia, United Kingdom, and Australlia read my blog a lot too. But mostly people from the United States! I give most of the Credit to Piper and her family!

They have been viewing my blog a lot! But I am just happy people are reading my blog and I will be even happier if the people enjoy my blog!

So far my stats are not that high but Satisfying!

Pageviews by Browsers
Internet Explorer
53 (60%)
18 (20%)
16 (18%)

Well I can't actually show the accurate number of views because they are changing every minute or two!

Pageviews by Operating Systems
68 (78%)
17 (19%)
Other Unix
2 (2%)
I think I am doing a good job because I have two views from India, so I guess my blog isn't that bad!

That's all for now! I think I posted enough blogs for today!

Annabel Lee

Today I am in a mood for a good poem so I decided to show one that my teacher read to me two years ago or last year. I think it is a very good poem... I wanted to read this poem again to see the author, and guess what? It was Edgar Allen Poe! Wow he must just love writing these kinda things and you'll see what I mean!
Annabel Lee
By Edgar Allen Poe
It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of ANNABEL LEE;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.

I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea;
But we loved with a love that was more than love-
I and my Annabel Lee;
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.

And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsman came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.

The angels, not half so happy in heaven,
Went envying her and me-
Yes!- that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.

But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we-
Of many far wiser than we-
And neither the angels in heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.

For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling- my darling- my life and my bride,
In the sepulchre there by the sea,
In her tomb by the sounding sea.

I think this poem is kind of weird because no one could love someone else THAT much! Anyway, if you are confused about what this poem means, I'll be glad to explain. So there is this guy who loved Annabel Lee from Childhood. Their bond was so strong that even the angels were jealous, they envied the couple enough to give Annabel Lee a high fever which she died from. The man was so heart broken and depressed that he sits by her grave every night. So, I guess that is pretty much it!

April Fool's Day

I am not sure if its April fool's Day or not but I don't want to embarrass myself either... so I decided even if it wasn't April Fool's day, I think people should know about it. (It isn't April Fool's Day)
When I was younger than I am now, I was told that on April 1rst, some people told this other religious group to go in to their worshiping place for prayer. This was all a joke, the religious group went into the building and they got burned alive... So that's my side of the story... I am too lazy to search how Aprill Fool's day really began but actually no one really knows for sure because it was so long ago.

Fun and Entertainment

People like me, ask themselves, why did I give my blog this certain title. Well my true purpose of this blog is to entertain other people like Piper. But that's not all, It also means that I have fun writing and other people are entertained! I also made another blog, Check it out! It is under construction so it  will change a lot! Anyway, If you are new to this blog, you should type in this adress: and click on: View my profile on the top right corner. And under "My Blogs" you'll see the words "Just Random" Click on it and you are done! You can finally check out my new blog! This post is pretty short because I don't have much ideas but my new blog is just random so I will have MUCH more to say! Peace out people! LOL!

My cat, Cannon

When I was three and a half (old enough to remember things) , I used to have a cat named Cannon. How she got her name is pretty weird but it suited her fine. At first my family thought Cannon was a boy so that is actually one of the reasons how she got her name. The true reason was because whenever Cannon used the litter box, she made this funny shooting noise. We kept on thinking the building was going to fall over because we couldn't get used to the fact that it was Cannon! A few weeks after we got Cannon, we didn't have a vet so we weren't sure why she was acting so funny (remember at that time we thought Cannon was a boy) so we decided to go to our neighbor that gave "him" to us. Our neighbor wasn't sure what happened either! So we just waited a few more days... and guess what? She had kittens! My mom and dad wouldn't let me keep any of the kittens (which was fine with me) because then I would get distracted from doing other things. But luckily, the kittens were allowed to stay until they matured enough to leave their mother. Cannon stopped making her noises and we finally got a vet for her. The vet said it was some miracal that Cannon survived without medication! After that it was a decent life for her and my family and all the kittens were adopted!
Cannon's Kittens looked really cute and they
were VERY VERY lazy!

I don't have pics of Cannon but she shall always remain in my memories. (Ha ha!)

Cannon kind of looked like this
(She was an Abyssinian)
but my Cannon was much prettier!

Ha ha! Cats are so weird!!! LOL! 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My friend, Piper

This post is dedicated to Piper-
The first reason is because she is probably the only person- actually dog (Along with her family) who reads my blog!
Second of all this post is about her
Third of all She is my inspiration
I don't think anything is nice enough to show my love and appreciation to Piper. Some of the viewers (MAYBE) are thinking: "Psh! Who cares? Get yo mind straight lady! PIPER'S a DOG!" Well, personally, I think anything could be your inspiration! And especially now, I think this post should mean very well to Piper, I hope she gets well soon!- I think anybody can learn from anything. I guess I say too many nice things to Piper, but what can I say? She is my only reader and since she's the only one reading my blogs, I don't see why I can't. Anyway I like knowing that Piper is happy, she seems so fun. EVERYBODY wants to be happy. Besides being a fabulous black and white Basenji, Piper always has something in store to cheer someone up! And if I really knew her, I bet whoever just gives her a one millisecond glance would surely be happy for the rest of their life! L☺L! I hope Piper reads this, I bet it'll put her in a good mood! But I regret not posting this earlier, I mean I was starting this weeks ago! Why had I been so busy? Okay.... Back to the topic: Piper! Piper has lots of opinions and I love hearing them, who doesn't? Every time you say- well comment on Piper's blog, she'll know the right thing to say, unlike me! I wish I had more things to say to! I can't explain my good all mixed up feeling! I bet Piper will though because it is for her!
I have a few Poems for Piper to cheer her up because she is sick....
By Me!!!
A marvelous sight
A fabulous Basenji
Pretty to look at

 What happiness means to me
by Me!!!!!!!
It is Black, It is white
It has fur
It is smallish
It is something that loves to share
It is something that lights up your face
My happiness comes from Piper

Where do smiles come from?
By me!!!
Where do Smiles come from?
From the sun?
From the lovely moon that reflects the sun's light?
From the deepest of the heart?
From somewhere that cannot be seen?
What does a smile really mean?
My smiles come from Piper
The reason is hard to explain because thoughts are impossible to decipher

Well I guess that is enough for today!

Also I have a note for Piper's Family:

Dear Piper's family,
I hope Piper is okay and that if anything happens, tell me right away! I don't know Piper as much as you guys, but I'm sure she is a wonderful dog.