Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Ha ha! I am sorry I didn't post any thing for three straight days but I am going to make it up tomorrow!!! It's getting pretty late so I don't have enough time for blogging today also I have to finish my homework and eat so I will be putting up plenty of interesting posts tomorrow!!!!!!! Hope you enjoy tomorrow's blog!


  1. Hey, Tas, you had better get your homework done and also eat all your meals, because that is very important. I will look for your next blog entry, when you have time to write it. Blogging takes a bunch of time, so I understand how it doesn't get done sometimes! LOL
    Love, Piper

  2. Dear Piper,
    Thanks for understanding! I hadn't done what I said I was going to do for a long time because I am VERY busy! I was preparing for an essay contest, and guess what? I won! Yay!!! I think writing blogs is a good way for me to practice these sorta things! I wish I had time like you! Even though I am busy, I am never busy enough to not read your blog!
