Thursday, March 24, 2011

Weird things I have done (And still do)

I do lots of weird and random things, it's very natural for me. Just one of the examples is that I try to turn the lamp on when the plug isn't in the socket, even when I know it. I expect a miracle to happen where the light just turns on!

 Another thing I do is wait for my door to open when I forget my keys inside the house, nobody's in there and eventually I realize doors can't open themselves.
Years ago, I learned that the Earth spun, so I jumped, I expected to be in a different place! Alas, I stayed on the same grounds! LOL!!!

Once I thought my heart would burst from beating too fast!

Well, I guess that's enough for today! I am totally EXHAUSTED from posting ALL those blogs!


  1. Hahaha! My mom told me that when she was a kid, she learned that blood circulated in the body, so the thought it went around in a big clump, first down one arm, then back up, then down the other arm, back up, and so on. And if you cut yourself, the blood rushed to that spot so it could run out through the cut! Now that she's all grown up, my mom is a little smarter. Or at least I hope so! LOL

    Love, Piper

  2. Yup, Everyone doesn't understand things correctly when they're young! Even I have grown up enough to not believe in that stuff but sometimes I am too lazy to think so I just wait for god to do it for me, but it doesn't turn out so well! LOL! I guess miracles don't happen on Earth, unless you were my teacher! He used to say it was a miracle that I hadn't been disruptive for a whole hour! As you can see, I am VERY, VERY, Talkative! Oh well, my mom doesn't know I have a blog! I need to sign out Quick!
    Tas (Your number one fan!)
