Friday, March 25, 2011

Basenjis Part 2

As you can see, yesterday I posted some facts about Basenjis! But I don't care whether Basejis were said to be funny looking, polka- dotted with puple spots or very annoying, they'd all be good to me no matter what lies Google has in store!
I really started LOVING Basenjis when I started reading the 'Follow the Piper' blog! In Particular, Piper is my favorite Basenji! And I have some nice pictures of her!!!!
[Piper+under+bed.jpg] The mind of a Basenji is a mystery! There must be something good under the bed! Since Basenjis are curious, there must be something in particular under there that attracted Piper! I might ask her later!
Since Piper has short hair (Like all Basenjis) she curls up to keep warm and probably really likes the sunlight!

  Basenjis are very social so they like snuggling up together!!

Here's one last picture (MY FAVORITE)
 Doesn't she look CUTE???
Anyway, that is all I have for today!


  1. Dear Piper,
    I hope you liked my blog about your pictures and quick facts about Basenjis and that you are okay with the pictures I chose! Personally, I really like the one when you were under the bed the most! Yup, Your last blog of your bottom being cute and all is DEFINETLY TRUE!!! Ha ha! Well hope you comment and then I'll comment your comment!!! ☺
    Popstarunknown A.K.A. Tas (Your number one fan)

  2. Dear Tas,
    My mom was really busy today and kept going off and leaving us, so I didn't get to read your blog until just now, when it's almost bedtime! Anyway, I really like the pictures you chose of me and all the good things you said about me. I like to go under the bed because then I am hidden and nobody knows I am there, but I can still see people and dogs and cats walking around past the bed.
    Love, Piper

  3. Dear Piper,
    I understand humans are REALLY busy all the time!!! Thanks for telling me why you stay under the bed! Now, whenever I go to visit my own blog, I can't help but stare at that picture, I don't really know why!
    P.s. I am glad you started calling me Tas!!
