Saturday, March 26, 2011


 I wrote about Basenjis yesterday, along with some Pictures of Piper. I thought it would be fair that I wrote about greyhounds this time along with some pictures of Nicky!

One thing for sure, Greyhounds are good runners. Greyhounds are usually used as race dogs. They are said to be the world's FASTEST dogs! They need to have exercise several times a week and are perfect jogging companions.

Greyhounds are very patient dogs and even get along well with cats and children. Like all dogs, Greyhounds do have their limits, but if they can't tolerate something they won't bite, they just walk away.
Greyhounds live to 12-14 years. If the owners have indoor tracks and equipment, the Greyhound will be likely to live longer because Greyhounds become ill outdoors.
Greyhounds are smart and intelligent, scientific studies show that the more sociable and interactive a dog is, the smarter it will be.
One more thing I have to mention: If Greyhounds are more of a hunting dog, they should be AWAY from children and cats because they are bred to EAT what they find! They won't EAT a CHILD but they might harm him/her before they find out humans aren't found in the wild and that they are indigestible/ not edible.
To find out more about Greyhounds go to, it has great info about Greyhounds!! Well, that is all I have for today!


  1. Dear Nicky,
    I hope you comment because this one is especially for you. I felt bad because I am constantly praising Piper, so I thought I could show appreciation to you by posting some info about Greyhounds. After I did some research, I found some really interesting stuff about Greyhounds! You should be proud for being the type of dog you are! And because you are a greyhound, you are the fastest dog breed in the WHOLE WORLD which gives you a spot in the world record book! YAY!!! I hope this blog made you proud to be a Greyhound! A lot of this information is probably what you already know because you are a Greyhound after all. I think the other viewers should find out more about Greyhounds so they can adopt one! I feel kind of sorry that Greyhounds aren't well known, so I think the whole world knowing about Greyhounds will increase the knowlege about them and probably A MILLION will be adopted each second!!! Only by nice owners though. anyway, I hope you read and comment!

  2. Dear Tas,
    Thank you for writing such a nice blog entry about greyhounds, and also for using all those photos of that extremely handsome greyhound, whoever he is! LOL!

    I am proud of being a dog who can run so fast, but I am also sorry about the bad things that happen to many of my fellow greyhounds in the racing industry. You can read about dog racing on this site: It's because of the abuses and poor conditions for greyhounds at the track that so many dogs need to be rescued and adopted. So maybe that's something you would like to tell people about.

    Thanks again for writing about my fabulous breed!

    Love, Nicky

  3. Dear Nicky,
    Thanks for thanking me and you are welcome! Actually, I am glad I know a Greyhound close to personally! I agree that you are quite handsome!I think it is a very bad thing what people do to those poor Greyhhounds at those industries. I think it is very unfair and it is making me cry now and I wish I didn't know but now that I do, I wish I could adopt all the greyhounds in the world that need help, but that is impossible!I can't take care of them all :( But I will see what I can do!
