Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Too many posts!

Today I posted a lot and that's because I have a lot of random thoughts going on in my head and I am done with other stuff so I may as well just keep on typing until my free time is over which I hope never ever ends. So I might as well just say as many random topics that come to my head:
1) French fries
Did you know french fries from McDonalds barely decompose? They stay the same over two years and they still look fresh! I don't like eating at McDonalds anymore after I found out anout this. I eat at Wendy's- those new sea salt ones!

2) Dogs
They look cute but too much work taking care of one. In my country, people have AWESOME guard dogs becauce a lot of robbers like to sneak into houses. The dogs either bark or do the crime stopping silently by biting on the bottom until it bleeds. Did you know that the guard dogs we have don't bite their owners no matter what? Did you know they have rabies? Hard to believe huh? Did you know that nobody takes care of the dogs? They sometimes might give food but the dog just does things naturally and doesn't beg! They do there buisness very far away from people and eat whatever they find. They know the right thing to eat and what's wrong. They are SUPER smart!

This dog is part of the Bangladesh Elite force so he/she has more respect other BD dogs are much bigger and broader naturally
 3) Cats
In my country, they are TROUBLE!!! They rip open bags of food like rice mostly! They should be trained as kittens. Sadly, They are more respected than dogs which I think is totally wrong because those guard dogs are EXTREMELY loyal to the humans!
Evil Angels! Don't they look adorable? Except they are half evil inside! LOL

Well that is all I have for today I think I am FINALLY done typing- maybe...

This blog

This blog is really popular- more than my other two... Can anyone tell me why?
Now I want to have fun guessing.... This blog was made first? Umm.... The other ones don't have enough entries? Nobody cares about the other ones? Oh well, the answer is a mystery! That's all I wanted to say!

Poetry contest

Attention all readers, I will have another contest which wil end in May 30th. Enter a poem as a comment and I will choose a winner. The winner's poem will be displayed on my blog and if you include an address you will be mailed a prize...(Bones, a shirt, a trophy, a ribbon) In addition to that, if the poem is good enough, it will be sent to publishers and it might be published through out the nation! You might even get Cash prize from the editors just give me your address and you will be able to recieve it...
Bet that put you a mood to enter! Trust me this is REAL! (My uncle is a publisher so you are likely to atleast get it published and if it does I will send you the book it was published in)

Bugs in my ear!

This content is not suitable for people who over react way too much:
I don't remember when exactly this happened but I know this happened when I was six years old and in a summer night. I was sleeoing on the floor because it was cooler down there and bed sheets were down there too. Anyway, I woke up because I had a weird feeling in my ear. I started screaming and I told my mom to take me to the hospital because there was something wrong with me. My mom told me to relax and I told her about my problem and she took me to the bathroom and used a cotton swab to take out TWO bugs out! That was gross!
So the moral of this story is...
DO NOT sleep on the floor if you have openings on your face or some crazy bug is gonna go in your ear and you're going to scream and have to take the bug(s) outa your ear with a cotton swab.
This story is 100% TRUE
You don't need to believe me, I am just trying to make this experience very unlikely... I hope you do not sleep on the floor if you have any bugs at home. (Don't worry I moved to a house so we don't even have any mice let alone BUGS)

Good thing I didn't Eat the chicken!

During the summer my family went to the restaurant to buy a "To go" Chicken. We took it home and my mom was forcing me to eat the chicken- I said, "No, I'll pass- anyway I don't want to be fat" So she said to just watch and miss out a "good" chicken. My mom, dad, and brother finished the chicken, they loved it! I knew there would be bad luck in that chicken, my sixth sense just told me. It was this REAL deep feeling which I couldn't understand... The next day, guess what happened? Guess! Okay stop guessing I'll tell you- Everyone started feeling VERY nauseous and I told them that is why I didn't eat the chicken (it was kind of a lie but it was the kind that you don't need to cover) I told them I knew there was a fishy feeling to  that chicken and they should have listened! I was hoping that "lie" would make my sixth sense do more work on finding  poisoned food when my parents asked me- but no one needs that kind of a job! So that is my story, don't eat a poisoned chicken and ask a specially trained animal to check it out- you sue the restaurant and everyone lives happily ever after. The End.

My plane ride

You might laugh at this post because it is kind of funny. You see, I went to most of the places by plane so each time I did I thought I was going to die or something and it was horrible experience on the plane because the food was terrible to look at! Good thing I brought my own food.... It isn't fair that the upper class got Gourment food and the rest of us were starving for REAL food. When I become an architect and I become pro, I will make the flight attendant and the cook give everyone good food, that's why we PAY. Anyway about my experience- as we got higher and higher the more I wanted to scream except I didn't because then the people will stare and me like "What is your problem?" And I brought lots of gum which I hate because I don't like gum- anyway, I had to chew alot because all that air goes in your ear and it hurts in a funny way! And then finally some fight attendant gave everyone ear plugs when the flight was half over! That was really sad! The lady probably forgot all about them when she had some her self :(
I finally got off the plane hoping my day would never end because I had to use a plane to go back!
When the plane goes higher you don't feel very good especially when you are afraid of heights!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


France sounds Elegant- It kind of is! But if you experienced what I did, you would do Almost anything to get back home! You see, I didn't like a lot of the food so for a few days I fed on Croissants! Then I guess my aunt felt really bad for me so she made Delicious lobster so I guess France isn't that bad if you were me back then! Besides that I went to alot of different places in France! It was a very pretty in Paris , I had to go a few miles to get there because I was in some other place which is called Bagnolet. I went to the Eiffel Tower!
I don't exactly have an authentic picture of it because my camera didn't have a memory card!

It looked kind of like this if you were looking up! Believe me you would get real dizzy!

I was really scared of the view at one glance! Then I didn't look down - my heart was beating faster than it did when I rode Kingda Ka (The highest roller coaster in the world) Trust me it is WAY scarier than it looks in the picture!
Anyway this trip was very exciting and it's something I will never forget, when I go there next time I will be sure to bring in some REAL PICTURES! I will tell you about my plane ride tommorow or maybe I am going to post it today...